DesignInteriorPolish Design

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The concept of „Huawei Youniverse” is about an experience oriented high-tech store designed on fundamentally modern trends, personalised customer experience and omnichanneled retail strategy.

The need to apeal and support the customer interest is the key to the in-store experience. By creating a new own “store brand” based on “customer” and his “universe” the brand can increase the inerest to the retail products.

Creation of a modern tech-focused community that will promote the brand itself as the physical store in the certain location as well as globally. This is the ideal scenario of the social media recognition and increasing Huawei position in relation to the main competitors. The imperative for traditional retailers is to create a cross-channel offering, one in which their customers have the same experience online as in their stores, and can move between the two channels without friction – this is called the “seamless retail experience”. The same model we integrate into the whole design concept of “Youniverse”.

Customer looks for seamlessness and consistency across the touch points along shopping journey. All sensual experiences are included along the path in Huawei store. The store concept blurs boundaries of sensual and digital experiences.

Design by Igor Romaniuk, Izabela Kowalska, Marcin Boratyn

Visualization @niuanse

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The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA) commissioned Nervous System to create a new dress for the exhibition #techstyle, which runs from March 6 through July 10, 2016. The exhibition explores the synergy between fashion and technology and how it is not only changing the way designers design, but also the way people interact with their clothing.

Inspired by petals, feathers, and scales, we developed a new textile language for Kinematics where the interconnected elements are articulated as imbricating shells. Like our previous garments, this dress can be customized to the wearer’s body through a 3D scan, and additionally, each element is now individually customizable: varying in direction, length, and shape.

More information nad photos NERVOUS SYSTEM BLOG.




The interactive table, which was developed by students at Lund University and Eindhoven University of Technology together with design consultancy IDEO, can identify an ingredient placed on it via a camera and image-recognition technology. It will then suggest other ingredients to combine with it and can take the user through a full step-by-step recipe via instructions projected directly onto the surface of the table. “It sees what grocery you put onto it and decides through colour, shape and size what grocery it is,” explains Lund University student Ingrid Allenbach in the movie. “It will then suggest what will go well with it and give you recipes to guide you through how to cook them.”

Article and photos from DEZZEN.





Loyal guardian and companion. Unlike traditional, static security cameras, Odini is a discreet mobile solution which aims to give privacy when you’re home and monitor and record events while you’re away. Better yet, Odini moves about your home autonomously to ensure all areas are secure. To move silently, it’s driven by four independent touch points between the main camera and clear outer ball section. — Like an addition to the family, Odini has been designed with personality in mind! He can let you know how he feels through an array of facial expressions. If his battery is running low, he’ll look tired. When he spots someone he recognizes, he’ll be excited…. someone he doesn’t know, he’ll be wary. If he notices something new, he’ll be curious and investigate until it’s familiar!

Designer: Etienne Bougeot

via Yanko Design


